Forked Catchfly

Thrilled to find a large population of the non-native annual, Forked Catchfly Silene dichotoma, on the edge of a proposed development site on the edge of Thetford. Thanks to Bill & Carol Hawkins for the tip-off!
Thrilled to find a large population of the non-native annual, Forked Catchfly Silene dichotoma, on the edge of a proposed development site on the edge of Thetford. Thanks to Bill & Carol Hawkins for the tip-off!
I was delighted but surprised to see Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis on what looks like a dry (growing with Harebells) lane-side bank on Hanworth Common.
While cycling to Whitlingham to see the recently discovered Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), Louis Parkerson spotted a clump of plants with yellow flowers beside the A47, and stopped to take some photos as they looked very similar to a patch of plants that
The distinctly 'waisted', cordate leaves of Fiddle Dock Rumex pulcher were found growing in discrete clumps in a churchyard (common Norfolk habitat).
The small, scarlet-orange elongated fruits of our native barberry found in a hedge near Saham Toney Hall on well-drained soils.
Maple-Leaved Goosefoot Chenopodium hybridum growing on railway ballast on the mid Norfolk railway at Wymondham. Seen during a Norfolk Flora Group excursion.
We spotted this pale-flowered Speedwell growing in the short vegetation alongside the Mid-Norfolk Railway on a Norfolk Flora Group outing It was more abundant near Wymondham but it was also found on the platform at Kimberley.
Two typical plants were found growing alongside the railway track on the Norfolk Flora Group outing to survey the Mid-Norfolk Railway.
Rustyback is more common in the west of England so we were delighted to find this population growing on a wall in Norfolk during a Norfolk Flora Group excursion to the Snorings.
It's mid September and Green Nightshade, Solanum physalifolium, seems to be turning up a little more than usual this year but it may just be down to my rather random wanderings. These plants were in a sugar beet field in Felthorpe.