Recent Sighting

Sea Club-rush

Sea Club-rush
Sea Club-rush Bolboschoenus maritimus  Photo: Mike Crewe

Suki Pryce spotted Bolboschoenus maritimus Sea Club-rush on the Overstrand sea front, growing with other interesting species such as Atriplex portulacoides Sea-purslane and Triglochin maritimum Sea Arrowgrass, none of which have


Sanicle Sanicla europaea  Photo: Jo Parmenter

Sanicle in full flower at NWT’s Ashwellthorpe Wood Reserve for a well-attended joint meeting with Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist’s Society.

Pink Clover

reversed clover
Reversed Clover Trifolium resupinatum  Photo: Jo Parmenter

We found this pretty pink clover in a recently constructed balancing pond at Little Snoring, in North Norfolk.  The site has likely been sown with a ‘wildflower seed mix’ as other species present included cornfield annuals such as corncockle, the non-nativ

Garden Stork's-bill

Garden Stork's-bill
Garden Stork's-bill Erodium manescavii   Photo: Jo Parmenter

Another 1st for Norfolk found in Swaffham yesterday: Erodium manescavii, on a mown grass verge. It can be separated from E. moschatum by the lack of nectar pits and the larger flowers, but there was lots of flowering and non-flowering E.

Stinking Fleabane

Stinking Fleabane  Dittrichia graveolens  Photo: Jo Parmenter

While cycling to Whitlingham to see the recently discovered Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), Louis Parkerson spotted a clump of plants with yellow flowers beside the A47, and stopped to take some photos as they looked very similar to a patch of plants that

Shrubby Hare's-ear

Shrubby Hare's-ear
Shrubby Hare's-ear Bupleurum fruticosum Photo: Jo Parmenter

Shrubby Hare's-ear Bupleurum fruticosum found naturalised on the North Denes in Gt Yarmouth by Tim Hodge.  This is the first record for VC27 and the first for Norfolk.