Marsh Helleborine

Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz

GB Red List England Red List GB Scarcity Norfolk Scarcity
Native, Axiophyte

Marsh Helleborine

Marsh Hellborine is a rhizomatous perennial herb of neutral to calcareous fens, marshes, damp pastures, meadows and dune-slacks. It prefers flushed or seasonally inundated areas where competition from other vegetation is reduced. Other habitats include slumped terraces of wet, calcareous sea-cliffs and disused gravel-pits (P. D. Carey & T. D. Dines in Preston et al, 2002).

In Norfolk, although perhaps most frequent in the Broads, Marsh Hellborine is widely scattered across the county where there is suitable habitat, i.e. calcareous fens, dune-slacks etc.

Epipactis palustris map