Grass Vetchling

We were thrilled to find the jewel-like flowers of Lathyrus nissolia near Acle- a new hectad record for the plant.
We were thrilled to find the jewel-like flowers of Lathyrus nissolia near Acle- a new hectad record for the plant.
As modelled by Meg, a gloriously architectural Phleum phleoides at Shadwell Estate.
We were excited to find Apera interrupta growing alongside a sandy track in our survey area on the Shadwell Estate. A ‘new’ plant for several of our group.
The eagle-eyed Mary continues to miss nothing - after we recorded plenty of Eyebrights Euphrasia spp. and Small scabious Scabiosa columbaria, she spotted the minute Basil Thyme Clinopodium acinos in grassland at the edge of a forestry plantation and earned 'P
Thrilled to find a large population of the non-native annual, Forked Catchfly Silene dichotoma, on the edge of a proposed development site on the edge of Thetford. Thanks to Bill & Carol Hawkins for the tip-off!
I was delighted but surprised to see Devil's-bit Scabious Succisa pratensis on what looks like a dry (growing with Harebells) lane-side bank on Hanworth Common.
Thrilled to find Amaranthus blitum, a first for Norfolk, on a private landholding near Roudham, West Norfolk.
We were thrilled to find an arable field full of Loose Silky-bent Apera spica-venti when we visited Chris Knight’s farm at Gooderstone and Oxborough.
Seen in the damper part of Compartment 5 in the Broadland Country Park. Hard-fern occurs quite frequently, usually in the ditches of the Park, but this is a particularly fine specimen growing on flat ground.
One spike of Yarrow Broomrape was found initially in the rough by the cliff path, Royal Cromer Golf Course by Golf Club Member David Harper searching